Candida: All There Is To Know & Candida Diet



There are a number of common misconceptions about candida as well as the candida diet; candida is actually part of a healthy natural intestinal flora. But when conditions are right (or wrong in this case), candida can transform into a very harmful destructive fungus. 

Candida overgrowth can lead to leaky gut, depression, joint pain, mood swings, acne and a host of other symptoms.One must remember that candida release over 180 chemicals into the body and more than 75 in the fungal form are toxic. See Signs of Candida Overgrowth below Even Dr. Oz admits that candida is an under-diagnosed problem that negatively affects millions in the US.

How did I get this ?

Often, the causes are rather simple and take place over time. Anything taken that disrupts the natural intestinal flora can be the first step in allowing candida to reproduce in unhealthy numbers. For instance, taking antibiotics either for an infection or through the animals we eat, will remove much of the intestinal bacteria clearing an area for the fungus to breed. Some patients aren’t aware that even prescriptions such as birth control pills can promote the overgrowth of candida. The source of fuel for candida is sugar and complex carbohydrates. In the US, we consume 156 pounds of sugar annually. That’s ten times the amount we were ingesting just 100 years ago. This prime source of energy is fueling our candida growth problems. A weakened immune system, poor diet leading to poor nutrition, stress and hormone irregularities are also contributing factors. The medical community has recognized this as Candida Overgrowth Syndrome (COS).

Leaky Gut / Candida Connection

For those suffering from leaky gut (where fissures or weakness in the gut allows particles to flow into the body) candida overgrowth is often the cause. This occurs when candida transitions to the fungal form and grow ‘hyphae.’ These long branches grow into and degrade the gut wall leading to leaky gut and in many cases the invading toxins overwhelm the body and causing health problems within the liver..

Signs of Candida Overgrowth

Because candida displaces the natural flora and negatively effects nutrition, it is the cause of many common disorders seen today. Surprising to some are all the neurological implications. Below we have named a few: Digestive trouble – IBS, Constipation, Heartburn, Food sensitivities, ulcers, indigestion, food cravings Swelling nasal passages – Sinusitis, secondary infection, Thrush Female problems – Yeast infection, iron deficiency, reduces sex drive, Bladder infections, Infertility Behavioral – Antisocial, Suicidal, Depression, anxiety, Irritability, Hyperactivity, Lack of impulse control Mental – Brain fog, Dizziness, Poor memory, Headaches, adrenal fatigue Immune problems – Too many to list Skin & joint problems – Acne, rashes or hives, Joint pain Also a good link for top 10 signs of Candida Overgrowth


Most practitioners may say there is no test for Candida Overgrowth Syndrome (COS). While there are some rather involved tests gathering data on the immune system, there is one fairly common test that doesn’t cost a penny. It’s called the spit test. While not scientific, it does have a fairly high accuracy rate.

Spit Test

First thing in the morning, spit into a glass of water and wait two to three minutes. Healthy saliva will sit on the surface. But if there is an overgrowth, strings will appear to come down and the glass will have cloudy look. Spit test overview We suggest this website if you are interested in taking a candida questionnaire to find out if you are suffering from overgrowth after performing the spit test.

Treatment Starve & Kill

The candida diet is a rather easy diet to outline, but can be difficult to follow. Believe it or not, candida has a direct line of communication through the vagus nerve to the brain. This accounts for much of the sugar and carb cravings we often get. Some consider this rather unnerving that some of our urges are being influenced by fungus. The first step in the candida diet is eliminating all sugar and carbs. The idea is to starve the candida and reduce its ability to reproduce. There is a list of foods to avoid and eat as well as a link to a recipe book below. But to really solve this overgrowth problem, you must research the following:

Reduce Candida

As I mentioned before, during the ‘die off,’ candida will release over 75 toxins into the body. A person will often feel much worse before feeling better. This process is hazardous and really should be done along with a liver detox supplement like Hepatiben to reduce the toxic effects.

The best solution for ridding oneself of the harmful fungus is not a prescription. Nature provides the best solution for breaking up the cell wall and killing off candida.

Larch Arabinogalactan is often an overlooked ingredient, as it feeds the beneficial form of candida and they will outcompete the fungal form. These recommendations are from Dr. John Reed and are supported by numerous other physicians in this field of study.

Many of these ingredients are found in Liver Medic’s Candida Complex. It’s important to keep in mind that our formulation has key ingredients that are anti-fungal. For successful removal of harmful candida, a variety of ingredients are necessary. While many practitioners will suggest multiple supplements for this purpose, we want to remind everyone that Liver Medic’s formulation is complete and developed with this in mind.

It’s also important that once someone is ridding one’s body of candida, it’s wise to also take probiotics. Remember, one of the main reasons why overgrowth occurs in the first place is because antibiotics were left unoccupied in the gut lining causing the fungal form to flourish. We recommend taking a liver supplement to reduce the toxic effects and our Candida Complex that also contains probiotics.

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