Endometriosis: A Natural Solution


The Internet is replete with stories of women suffering from endometriosis causing everything from intense menstrual pain to fertility issues and depression. Medically speaking, endometriosis occurs within the uterine lining, when the endometrial cells grow outside the uterus typically involving the ovaries, bowel or surrounding tissues of the pelvic region. Clearly this involves a lot of pain for the nearly 1 in 10 women effected1.When discussing solutions with a physician, the two options most often presented to the patient are surgery and hormone treatments. Both of these applications might be suitable given the severity of the endometriosis2. Today more physicians are opting to administer Serrapeptase™ either in place of or in conjunction with the before mentioned solutions.


What’s Serrapeptase and How Does it Help?

Serrapeptase is a naturally occurring proteolytic enzyme sourced from silk worms. The secret to its success is in its ability to digest only dead tissue in the body. This enables Serrapeptase to target dead cysts and scar tissue while leaving healthy tissue intact.

In addition to digesting dead tissue, Serrapeptase works on reducing PAIN in three ways:

1. By reducing the viscosity and build-up of inflammatory secretions, Serrapeptase may facilitate the drainage of fluids from the targeted area.

2. Studies show Serrapeptase inhibits bradykinina, a category of pain inducing amines that send pain signals through the nervous system. By inhibiting them, Serrapeptase helps to effectively reduce the pain signal to the brain3.

3. Serrapeptase has been shown to breakdown fibrin, a fibrous tissue deposited in the body. Fibrin is often a culprit in circulatory distress or cardiovascular issues. Fibrin can block passage of critical nutrients or blood flow creating pain. Reducing fibrin buildup helps to reduce pain.

Many studies show that the use of Serrapeptase can be as effective as using other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like aspirin, ibuprofen and others.

“The secret to Serrapeptase’s success is that it digests dead tissue, cysts and scar tissue in the body.”

What is the Best Dosage for Serrapeptase?

This is a good question for your physician. Oftentimes they will put a patient on a three month regimen and prescribe 80,000 IU – 120,000/ daily which works fine. We recommend that Serrapeptase is always enteric coated to ensure it gets beyond the stomach acid and absorbed via the digestive tract.


Serrapeptase has been found to reduce biofilm in multiple studies, which is a health benefit and the main reason physicians use it for restoring digestive health. Caution must be taken however, because biofilm can harbor parasites such as lyme disease and can initiate an outbreak. While Serrapeptase is not a blood thinner—a common misconception—it’s recommended that anyone taking Serrapeptase cease taking it before and after surgery.


Using Serrapeptase can result in a die-off of unwanted organisms and a clearing of dead tissue so it is recommended that a liver cleanse be used to help with the filtering of the body.

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.