Auto-Immune Support System

$94.99 available on subscription

Leaky Gut Repair + Hepatiben + Candida Complex

  • Reduces Gut Lining permeability
  • Promotes detoxification of liver and circulation
  • Reduces yeast and parasites in the body
  • Reduces Immune System allergy confusion
Subscription Plan Available

*free shipping policy for orders over $60



Combines Auto-Immune diseases are complicated to diagnose and the conventional solution often don’t work. Studies suggest a high correlation between three organisms (epstein bar, H. pylori, yersinia) accessing the body via a leaky gut and causing immune confusion leading to attacks on our thyroid tissue. This is one of many examples where “molecular mimicry” causes autoimmune reactions in the body. Cleaning the digestive tract of pathogens closing GI tract gaps and bringing the liver to full health support the body’s proper immune functions.


Combines leading candida and parasite reducing herbs with probiotics, enzymes and other gut health-restoring ingredients. We all carry moderate amounts of this yeast in our system. While not dangerous at low levels, candida overgrowth transforms into a fungal form and coats the intestinal walls and spreads throughout the body.

Our typical high sugar and carbohydrate diets feed this harmful form of fungal yeast, which causes chronic inflammation and pushes out healthy gut bacteria. CANDIDA COMPLEXโ„ข reduces this unhealthy candida form and provides beneficial bacteria in its place. Taking this step will improve gut health. The benefits of taking CANDIDA COMPLEXโ„ข support increased nutritional absorption, enhanced immunity and reduced chronic inflammation and bloating throughout the body.*

For women, having candida overgrowth can lead to yeast infections. Many donโ€™t know that the cause is the same Candida albicans fungus. The typical treatment offered by conventional physicians is clotrimazole which among other harmful effects damages the liver and elevates liver enzymes. This is a commonly known side-effect to say nothing of painful urination and depression. A healthier alternative would be taking a product like CANDIDA COMPLEXโ„ข.


Todayโ€™s diet is creating increased permeability in our gut lining. Leaky Gut is not a disease; itโ€™s a structural disorder that needs nutritional support to repair it. Leaky Gut Repair combines the leading compounds to support gut restoration.

These important compounds create a protective mucosal barrier, while providing the building blocks for repair. This includes natural anti-histamine properties to reduce inflammation and additional damage. Combining Candida Complex can correct the imbalance that led to leaky gut by supporting the reduction of candida overgrowth, parasites and/or dysbiosis.

3 Important Actions LEAKY GUT REPAIR Provides:

  • Provide a temporary intestinal barrier while stimulating natural production of mucilage (a gel-like polysaccharide that coats stomach and gut lining.)
  • Reducing inflammation that triggers additional damage caused by immune system.
  • Repairing the cells that make up the wall lining by providing critical building blocks in the epithelial wall.


Formulated to address fatty liver symptoms. Today the most common form of liver issue is NAFLD [non-alcoholic fatty liver disease] or NASH [non-alcoholic steato hepatitis] that affects one-third of Americans. If left untreated, this often leads to obesity, insulin resistance and other more severe complications. Our fatty liver supplements formulations combine the most effective ingredients that work synergistically to promote high liver function in toxic environments to support the health of a liver that has been damaged.*

High sugar diets, GMOs and antibiotics lay the groundwork for toxin build-up in the liver. In an effort to neutralize these toxins that move into the body, the liver creates excess liver fat cells to store them. Taking HEPATIBENโ„ข while incorporating a healthy detox diet will support the removal of these toxins. HEPATIBENโ„ข includes compounds that aid the liver during the detoxification stage [Phase II]. This reduction of toxins means a decrease in fat cells that were employed to store them. This increases liver circulation, enabling greater liver function.*

Leaky gut repair INGREDIENTS

ANTI-INFLAMMATORY: Glutamine, Licorice Root (DGL), Quercetin Dihydrate, Bromelain

MUCOSAL PROTECTION: Slippery Elm, Glutamine, Marshmallow Root, NAG, Aloe Vera Leaf


*Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Take 2 capsules during the day for Candida Complex (preferably on an empty stomach)
Take 2 capsules each of Hepatiben and Leaky Gut Repair before bed (preferably on an empty stomach)


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